Regional Affordable Housing Plan, Ulster County, New York


Ulster County has become the next affordable suburb to New York City. Commuters who find Duchess and Westchester Counties too expensive are now looking to Ulster as the affordable solution. The changing market demand has made housing prices in Ulster County double or even triple in some municipalities in the past 6 years. This project includes extensive documentation of affordable housing issues, policies and local impediments to supplying affordable housing. The project included: primary data gathering and personal interviews with affordable housing advocates; forecasts of housing demand and supply for the next ten years; an inventory of housing stock categorized into a wide range of household needs and income levels; an assessment of local housing policies, initiatives, and organizations; and a growth constraints analysis that included both policy and natural resource constraints. The project culminated in an comprehensive and detailed report that documented the causes of the problems and described solutions tailored to work specifically in Ulster County. Client: Ulster County Planning Department. Partner: Economic and Policy Resources.

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